Finding Causative Mutations With A Candidate SNP Approach
Finding SNPs With An Alignment
Learning Objectives
- Understanding Pileups and VCFs
- Calling reliable SNPs
- Annotating SNPs with SNPEff
Many different programs can be used to call SNPs, including SAMTools, Picard, GATK and VarScan. Some of these programs use the BAM alignment file directly, some use an MPileup file. MPileups and VCF files are both used to represent SNPs and associated scores.
The MPileup format is a per-line base-by-base representation of the alignment. It provides a much more coherent way of viewing the alignment than the SAM file.
Here’s a sample:
seq1 272 T 24 ,.$.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..^+. <<<+;<<<<<<<<<<<=<;<;7<&
seq1 273 T 23 ,.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..A <<<;<<<<<<<<<3<=<<<;<<+
seq1 274 T 23 ,.$....,,.,.,...,,,.,... 7<7;<;<<<<<<<<<=<;<;<<6
seq1 275 A 23 ,$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...^l. <+;9*<<<<<<<<<=<<:;<<<<
seq1 276 G 22 ...T,,.,.,...,,,.,.... 33;+<<7=7<<7<&<<1;<<6<
seq1 277 T 22 ....,,.,.,.C.,,,.,..G. +7<;<<<<<<<&<=<<:;<<&<
seq1 278 G 23 ....,,.,.,...,,,.,....^k. %38*<<;<7<<7<=<<<;<<<<<
seq1 279 C 23 A..T,,.,.,...,,,.,..... ;75&<<<<<<<<<=<<<9<<:<<
Each line represents a single nucleotide in the reference. The first three columns represent the reference name, position on the reference and the reference nucleotide.
The next three columns are about the bases piled-up over that position, so are total read depth, read bases, and base qualities.
At the read base column,
- a dot = a match to the reference base on the forward
- a comma = match on the reverse strand
- any of ‘ACGTN’ = a mismatch on the forward strand
- any of ‘acgtn’ = mismatch on the reverse strand
is usually used to generate an MPileup, the mpileup
command can do this. More recent versions of SAMtools mpileup
and most other SNP callers can also generate another type of SNP describing file, a VCF Variant Call Format file.
The related VCF file takes a slightly different approach and looks like this:
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth">
##FORMAT=<ID=HQ,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Haplotype Quality">
20 14370 rs6054257 G A 29 PASS NS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:48:1:51,51 1|0:48:8:51,51 1/1:43:5:.,.
20 17330 . T A 3 q10 NS=3;DP=11;AF=0.017 GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:49:3:58,50 0|1:3:5:65,3 0/0:41:3
20 1110696 rs6040355 A G,T 67 PASS NS=2;DP=10;AF=0.333,0.667;AA=T;DB GT:GQ:DP:HQ 1|2:21:6:23,27 2|1:2:0:18,2 2/2:35:4
20 1230237 . T . 47 PASS NS=3;DP=13;AA=T GT:GQ:DP:HQ 0|0:54:7:56,60 0|0:48:4:51,51 0/0:61:2
20 1234567 microsat1 GTC G,GTCT 50 PASS NS=3;DP=9;AA=G GT:GQ:DP 0/1:35:4 0/2:17:2 1/1:40:3
The first thing you notice is that it describes only variant positions NOT EVERY position like Pileup.
The lines starting with ##
are the meta-data description lines. They define the labels for SNP data and contain key-value pairs separated by an ‘=’ sign (e.g. number=1, Type=Integer, Description=“Some description”).
The header line starts with a single #
, and has the column headings, these being ALT and QUAL.
1. CHROM = chromosome
2. POS = position
3. ID = an ID (if given)
4. REF = reference sequence nucleotide
5. ALT = SNP nucleotide
6. FILTER = a filter defined in the metadata
7. INFO = Summary information about this SNP
8. FORMAT = Format of the sample column(s)
9. Sample information for one sample formatted according to `FORMAT`
10. More sample info (if needed), also according to `FORMAT`
are where the VCF format really makes use of its meta-data. In the INFO column there will be a combination of key=value pairs, separated by semi-colons. An entry will read something like:
Each key (e.g. ADP) will have its meaning explained in the metadata INFO
The FORMAT column reads slightly different from the INFO field.
The meaning of these keys can be found in the meta-data in the FORMAT
lines. Some common ones that are useful are:
= coverage depthGT
= genotype, e.g0/0
Genotype values have the following meanings:
* 0/0 - Homozygous to the reference (REF)
* 1/1 - Homozygous to the alternate non-reference allele (ALT)
* 0/1 - Heterozygous (0/2 represents a heterozygote with two alternate alleles)
Deciding on the right parameters for SNP calling is very case specific. Often SNP calling pipelines will need to be optimised to ensure that the level of false positive calls is acceptable. Here are some parameters in SNP callers to look out for
* Minimum coverage - the number of read bases that contribute to the SNP call, more is better
* Minimum variant allele - the fraction of bases in the pileup that are needed for a SNP call (1/100 = bad, 50/100 = believable)
* P-value threshold - or some other probability based measure of SNP accuracy.
* Strand filter - discard SNPs where most reads come from one strand - helpful with certain sequencing errors
* Base quality - discard bases in the pileup that don't have good enough individual Phred scores
Whichever tool you use, make sure that you get a good idea of what it’s options for making high-quality SNPs are.
Once we’ve called SNPs, then the next stage is to annotate them. We are looking for heterozygous and homozygous information, which we get from the SNP callers, but a phenotype causing SNP is much more likely to cause a change in the protein that is encoded. Thus we need to know what the effect of the SNP on the protein is. We can find this out with a program called SNPEff
SNPEff is a fairly straightforward system. It needs a database of SNPs and a database of gene and gene/transcript positions and can give you whether the SNP is in a gene and whether the SNP causes a silent synonymous change (IE the codon the SNP changes is for the same amino acid before and after the SNP sequence change ) or whether it causes a more significant non-synonymous change that actually changes the amino acid at that codon so the protein changes.
These qualities are what we will look for in our candidate SNP approach - the most likely mutation causing SNPs will be:
* Homozygous
* Non-synonymous
* In a region enriched with homozygous SNPs
Once SNPEff is run, we have all the information we need to start to make candidates.
1. MPileup
You are provided with a new BAM file for Arabidopsis chromosome 4 in the shared data library SNP Calling
, use it to run HTS SAMtools .. SAMtools mpileup
. Remember you’ll need to load a reference genome, the TAIR_10_chr4.fasta
file should be imported to your history for this purpose.
- How do you make
SAMtools mpileup
output VCF or Mpileup? - What are differences in information between the two?
- Generate an MPileup file and select appropriate
advanced options
to make sure you have a good enough mapping quality (~20) and base quality (~30) for reliable SNP calls. - What is the point of adding a maximum read depth?
- How does this run compare in execution time with earlier ones in this course? Why is there a difference?
2. VarScan
From the mpileup file you created in the challenge above, use VarScan Mpileup
filter the positions to find the SNPs and make the criteria a bit more stringent.
- Inspect the pileup (or run some SAMtools stats) to determine suitable values for the depth and quality parameters.
- Our purpose is to clearly separate Homozygous and Heterozygous SNPs, which filters do you think we should use? What frequency values should we set to get many, good homozygous calls (hint: 100% frequency rules out some SNPs where a single miscalled read or base messes things up)
- How long does this take? What factors do you think affect the run time?
3. SNPEff
SNPEff can be found in the SNP annotation
tool set. Use SNPEff on the VCF file you generated (or the one in the shared data library SNP Calling
- Make SNPEff run on just SNPs in the input VCF (our candidate SNP approach won’t work on INDELS).
- How has SNPEff labelled the SNPs it generated?